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Self-directed performance documentation for professional development

Here you will find all relevant information about ePortfolio, a project of the Dean of Students Office to promote and develop clinical expertise. Familiarize yourself with the project and learn about the advantages of using ePortfolio for yourself and your everyday student life.

Our longitudinal ePortfolio is designed to provide you with the opportunity to document the development of your competencies and skills.

An ePortfolio (electronic collection folder) supports the organization of work results, performance records, etc. by allowing, for example, selected text, audio or video work to be easily collected and presented. In this context, one's own development process can be traced and reflected upon as well as its presentation made possible for (possible feedback) from teachers and/or fellow students.

An ePortfolio enables you to perceive and reflect learning processes more consciously. Own (extra-)subject-related strengths, but also gaps can be identified more easily.

The main goals of the ePortfolio are reflection and work facilitation. However, the topic of reflection (reflection reports, change reports, video feedback, etc.) is in the foreground. The work facilitation, e.g. by reducing the paper/pencil portion and using it as a documentation or storage place for evidence and files is a good side effect to facilitate the organizational work.

Through releases, which you determine yourself, it is possible to make your work results available to certain people. This serves as a feedback possibility for teachers and other students. A blog is available for personal exchange. Blogs are used as online diaries, to store notes, to exchange information, thoughts and experiences as well as for communication. Posts can be commented on by other students with desired approval.

Teachers who supervise the work with the ePortfolio were given communication training with a focus on moderation, conflict management and experiencing grievances (constructive handling of feedback) as well as on the use of ePortfolios.

Furthermore, it is planned that you should be able to self-assess your competencies in the ePortfolio within a given framework. Competence catalogs created by learners are to be used as a frame of reference in the ePortfolio work. This should help you to realistically assess your own level of competence.

Furthermore, badges should be distributed as forms of recognition for informal, self-directed learning. A digital badge is a verified proof of defined achievements, skills or interests that can be integrated into various digital environments. With a certain amount of badges collected, you can earn a Self-Directed Learning certificate.

The ePortfolio is integrated in ILIAS. 

  • Elective "Communication in borderline situations"
  • eLearning Feedback
  • 360° peer feedback
  • Professional field exploration (primary care physicians)
  • E-logbook of general medicine
  • Interprofessional nutrition management - Stop Malnutrition!
  • Rheumatology
  • Gynecology
  • Hematology (In planning)
  • Cardiology (In planning)
  • Occupational, social and environmental medicine (In planning)
  • Urology (In planning)
  • PJ Logbook (In planning)
  • Team-based feedback in the study block Interdisciplinary decisions (In planning)
  • CoMeD
  • Medical sociology (In planning)

Further integrations will follow

  • Difficult to get used to at first, but good help and always friendly support when problems arise.
  • First full of the beginning, in any case more guidance and training examples would be good.
  • It is fun to be creative, it would be nice if there were more such offers.
  • Well-meant sheet of paper would also have been good.
  • I think it's good to see where you are, what you still need to do and how you compare to others.
  • It would make more sense to have this in all subjects, for the sake of an overview. But Ilias is really hard to get used to :-(
  • First I thought och nee again such an extra tool, but was made quickly. Start was still a bit bumpy, but nice to have everything together.
  • Unfortunately, uploading files did not work and also the contributions of others were not visible. Generally a good idea to share posts with others.

The Team

As part of the ePortfolio project, an interdisciplinary and interprofessional working group (WG) was implemented. The working group, which has been meeting quarterly since January 2019, consists of lecturers from various areas of the medical curriculum as well as interdisciplinary representatives of the Dean of Studies and eLearning Office and representatives of the students and the Education Center. Within this working group, all questions and decisions concerning the introduction and implementation of an ePortfolio are discussed and made together. Interprofessionality can further ensure that the ePortfolio covers the needs of as many stakeholders as possible. The working group meets at regular intervals.

For the concrete, small-step implementation or testing of the decisions made in the WG, a core team was also established. Within this core team, proposals previously made and decisions taken in the WG are tested, specified and elaborated in terms of content. The results are regularly made available to the WG and discussed in the interests of more efficient work and progress in performance.

Educational Research

A significant field of research is the (student) learning process. The ePortfolio can be helpful for the investigation of individual learning processes and thus be used as an innovative research tool. The presented research results can be found here.


  • Heath M. Electronic portfolios for reflective self-assessment. Teacher Librarian. 2002; 30(1): 19.
  • Richter A. Portfolios in the university context: when, where, how? A different basis for assessment in the seminar room. In: I. Brunner, & T. Häcker, The handbook of portfolio work: concepts, suggestions, experiences from schools and teacher education. Kallmeyer at Friedrich in Velber. 2006: Erhard Friedrich Verlag GmbH.
  • A Pilot ePortfolio for Postgraduate Medical Trainees. (Work in progress; paper and presentation) Session: PS3C Type: Abstract Alex Haig and Neil McManus NHS Education for Scotland, The Lister, 11 Hill Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9DR In: ePortfolio 2005.
  • Office of the Dean of Studies of the Faculty of Medicine at HHU. Mission statement teaching of the Faculty of Medicine of the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. [Downloaded 2017 December 07]. Available from: www.medizin.hhu.de/sicherung-studiendekanat/studium-und-lehre-alt-2/leitbild-lehre.html
  • Van der Vleuten CP, Dannefer EF. Towards a systems approach to assessment. Med Teach 2012; 34: 185-6.
  • Rotthoff T, Ostapczuk MS, De Bruin J, Decking U, Schneider M, Ritz-Timme S. Assessing the learning environment of a faculty: psychometric validation of the German version of the Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure with students and teachers. Med Teach 2011; 33: 624-636.