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National Competence Based Learning Objectives Catalogue Medicine

The NLKM learning objectives catalog defines the competencies that every medical student should acquire by the end of their studies. After the new medical licensing regulations (ÄApprO) come into force, the core of medical studies (approx. 80%) of all German faculties will be based on the NKLM. The NKLM will form the basis for the faculty's teaching and examinations and will be coordinated with the subject catalogs of the state examinations. In addition to medical knowledge and skills, the NKLM contains higher-level learning objectives and competencies, for example, in the areas of medical interviewing, scientific skills, or leadership and management. In April 2021, the version NKLM 2.0 was approved by the Medical Faculty Association (MFT). In the current NKLM assessment process, the NKLM content is being further developed.

Advantages for our faculty

  • Strengthening of competence orientation in the Düsseldorf medical curriculum
  • Optimization of preparation for the second section of the intermediate medical examination (M2)
  • Highlighting curricular focal points of one's own location
  • Basis for further curricular development and preparation for the new ÄApprO (Medical Licensing Regulations)
NKLM mapping

With the help of the curriculum mapping, the NKLM learning objectives can be assigned to the courses of the Düsseldorf Medical Curriculum. This makes it possible to determine the ACTUAL status of the NKLM learning objectives in the curriculum. The ACTUAL analysis forms the basis for the further development of the curriculum. The mapping of the courses is done with the faculty internal platform LOOOP-HHU.

Evaluation and further development of the NKLM 2.0

The NKLM 2.0 is to be further developed into version NKLM 3.0 by the time the ÄApprO comes into force. The process is centrally coordinated by the MFT. All medical faculties nationwide can voluntarily participate in the further development process. Our faculty is also involved in the evaluation process and is represented with members in various focus groups.

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