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Intermediate Medical Examination

Unlike the standard course of study, there is no so-called "Physikum" in the Düsseldorf medical curriculum, but an intermediate medical examination. This is formally equivalent to the first section of the medical examination (state examination). It is completed after the 3rd year of study and consists of three parts:

At the end of each of the 12 subject and study blocks of study years 1-3, there is a written, interdisciplinary block final examination. By the end of the 3rd year of study, you will have cumulatively acquired all of the required credits.

On the one hand, you must achieve at least 60% of the maximum achievable points in each of the block final examinations. On the other hand, you must achieve at least 60% of the achievable points in this subject in each subject. In the case of subjects taught over several subject and study blocks, this 60% refers to the total achievable subject points of all relevant block final examinations.

Each block final examination may be repeated only twice.

This part of the examination contributes 50% to the overall grade of the Medical Intermediate Examination.

The clinical-practical part of the intermediate medical examination is conducted by means of an OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination). In the OSCE, you will pass through at least ten examination stations in one day and at defined time intervals. At each station you have to solve formulated tasks orally and practically in a given time under observation. Before entering the examination station, and thus outside the examination time, you will be given the opportunity to read the task.

The performance is evaluated and documented by the examiner with the aid of a previously defined checklist.

The clinical-practical part of the intermediate medical examination can only be repeated twice.

The procedure of the clinical-practical part of the Intermediate Medical Examination (OSCE) is explained in this video. Further information can be found in ILIAS.

This part of the exam contributes 20% to the overall grade of the Medical Intermediate Examination.

In the oral part of the intermediate medical examination, you will be tested in four subjects. Among these four are the subjects anatomy, biochemistry and physiology.  As a fourth subject, you will be randomly assigned one of the following subjects:

  • Microbiology, Hygiene and Virology
  • Pathology
  • Pharmacology and Toxicology

Each subject will be represented by one examiner. 

The examination will take the form of two group examinations in which up to four students will each be examined by two subject representatives. Each student is examined for 15 to 20 minutes in each subject. The two group examinations usually take place on one day.

The oral part of the Medical Intermediate Examination can only be repeated twice.

This part of the examination contributes 30% to the overall grade of the Medical Intermediate Examination.

Exam Dates

Winter Term 2023/24
Deadline for Registration Beginning of January (dates to follow)
Deadline for Cancellation 14.02.2024 (12 pm, cut-off time)
Practical Part 04.-08.03.2024
Oral Part 18.-27.03.2024


Further Information

For admission to the Medical Intermediate Examination, you must fulfill the following admission requirements according to §18 of the Study and Examination Regulations for the Model Study Program in Human Medicine at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf.

1. Regular and successful participation in the ten subject blocks and two study blocks (according to Annex 4 of the Study and Examination Regulations):

  • Topic blocks 1 to 4 ("Introduction to Medicine, Man and Society", "The Human Body: Focus on Movement", "Molecular Architecture of Life", "Nervous System and Senses").
  • Topic blocks 5 to 8 ("Nutrition, digestion and bioenergetics / internal organs", "Blood, heart and circulation", "Respiration, homeostasis, performance", "Reproduction and development")
  • Subject blocks 9 and 10 ("Fundamentals of clinical diagnostics and therapy", "Infection and defense") as well as
  • study blocks 1 and 2 ("Diagnostic thinking and acting", "Interdisciplinary decisions")

2. Submission of the following subject-related certificates of achievement (according to Annex 1 of the Study and Examination Regulations pursuant to §2 Para. 1 Sentence 2 and §41 Para. 2 No. 9 ÄApprO):

  • Practical course in physics
  • Practical course in chemistry
  • Practical course of biology
  • Practical course of medical terminology
  • Practical course of the occupational field investigation
  • Microscopic anatomy course
  • Macroscopic anatomy course
  • Anatomy seminar
  • Practical course of biochemistry / molecular biology
  • Seminar Biochemistry / Molecular Biology
  • Practical course of physiology
  • Physiology Seminar
  • Course of Medical Psychology and Medical Sociology
  • Seminar of Medical Psychology and Medical Sociology
  • Integrated Seminar
  • Practical course of introduction to clinical medicine (with patient presentation)
  • Seminar with clinical references
  • Pathology
  • Pharmacology, Toxicology
  • Hygiene, Microbiology, Virology
  • QB2: History, theory and ethics in medicine
  • QB4: Infectiology, Immunology
  • QB10: Prevention, Health Promotion
  • Interdisciplinary certificate of achievement "Clinical-theoretical basics of diagnostics and therapy".

3. Regular and successful participation in the clinical clerkship course (part of the EKM certificate).
4. Successful participation in two patient internships (part of the EKM certificate).
5. Regular participation in two practice blocks, including a two-week patient internship in a physician's office (outpatient medicine) (PP3),
6. Regular and successful participation in at least eight elective courses (at least 4 medical), at least one of which is graded.
7. Training in first aid according to §5 ÄApprO.
8. Nursing service of three months duration according to §6 ÄApprO (90 calendar days).

Admission to the intermediate medical examination can only be granted if all admission requirements are met. Admission notices are sent out approximately four weeks before the oral examination date.

Deregistration from the clinical-practical part and from the oral part of the intermediate medical examination is possible in writing during the deregistration period without giving reasons. By deregistering during the deadline, you withdraw from the registration for the overall examination (clinical-practical part and the oral part of the intermediate medical examination). 

You can submit the completed form to the Office of the Dean of Studies at the Faculty of Medicine during office hours. Outside the office hours, please send your deregistration in advance by e-mail and drop the original in the mailbox of the Office of the Dean of Studies for the attention of "Prüfungskoordination (Ärztliche Zwischenprüfung)".

Deregistrations that are not received by the Dean of Studies Office by the deadline cannot be considered.

In the event of illness, you can withdraw from the clinical-practical part and the oral part of the Medical Intermediate Examination with a medical certificate. In case of repetition, an official medical certificate may be required.

If you are unable to take an examination due to illness, please inform us (Office of the Dean of Studies of the Faculty of Medicine) immediately, but no later than three working days after the examination. The original proof of your illness (medical certificate or official medical certificate) must be submitted to the Office of the Dean of Studies no later than seven working days after the examination.

The results of the written part, the clinical-practical part and the oral part of the intermediate medical examination are published on the student portal.

The overall grade of the Medical Intermediate Examination according to §36 of the Study and Examination Regulations is composed of the partial grades as follows:

  • 50%: cumulative, written, interdisciplinary block final examinations 
  • 30%: interdisciplinary oral examination
  • 20%: clinical practical examination (OSCE)

Grading of individual examinations and comprehensive examinations is based on the pass and grade limits specified in §33 of the Study and Examination Regulations.

A certificate is issued for passing the Medical Intermediate Examination.

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