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Bedside Teaching

Every student receives 476 hours of Bedside Teaching (Unterricht an Patient:innen - UaP) in the course of medical studies. Thus, the UaP is the central training element in the practice modules. In order to develop clinical expertise, students work with experienced physicians on a case-by-case basis to gain knowledge about the development, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment of diseases. The guidance and feedback of the physicians are indispensable for the students' growth in knowledge and learning success.

UaP@Work and UaP in a team

The UaP is divided into two formats:

In UaP@Work (teaching with patient examination), students have the opportunity to accompany doctors in their work in 1:1 to a maximum of 1:3 supervision. The students expand their skills in two ways: Firstly, they observe the doctor's work, ask questions about what they do not understand and reflect on the procedure together with the medical teacher. Secondly, they take on medical activities themselves under active supervision and receive constructive feedback.

In UaP@Work, students usually rotate to a different department each day and experience different doctors. 

While the students in UaP@Work learn on the job, in UaP in a team (patient demonstration) they are accompanied throughout the week by a specific teacher who is released for this purpose. They learn in a group of a maximum of six students on, with and from patients. The focus of the UaP in the team is on dealing with patients, dialogue, practical skills and clinical thinking (differential diagnosis, treatment planning). Students perceive the patient's perspective and combine theory and practice in specific cases.

Within the UaP in the team, students are given the opportunity once a week to demonstrate the skills they have learnt as part of a mini-CEX.


This is followed by a debriefing and joint reflection on the respective patient cases. This gives the students the opportunity to ask professional questions and to take another look at what they have learned.

In the UaP, students not only build on the practical skills acquired in the Clinical Training Course and the Practitioner Internships, but also learn to understand the patient and the theoretical background to the clinical picture in a coherent way - for example, the integration of practice and theory takes place through the patient contact accompanied by a doctor.

Introduction Video for Students

In this video you can see an example of the UaP process in a team.

Introduction Video for Teachers

In this video you can see an example of the UaP process in a team.