There are a number of universal, medical procedures and processes that every future physician should master. These are taught in the Clinical Training Course and deepened in the Practitioner Internships. But specialist (examination) techniques are also part of the medical repertoire, because a confident manner in interaction with patients is an important part of the medical profession. In order to ensure that our students are able to master these routine procedures directly when they start their professional careers, we teach the medical "craft" early during their studies in the Düsseldorf Medical Curriculum.
Structure and Procedure
Our clinics and institutes have identified the most important practical skills in their field - resulting in over 90 predefined skills that are tested at least once per practice module as part of the "Mini Clinical Examination" (Mini-CEX). Mini-CEXs are always taken at the end of the practice module week and last about five to ten minutes. The respective skills tested here are previously taught and demonstrated to students during Bedside Teaching (UaP). Additional practice opportunities are provided by the Skills Lab.
The expectation horizon and the examination criteria can also be viewed by the students in advance, so that they can prepare specifically for these clinical-practical examinations. The examination performance is evaluated in the form of a structured feedback sheet. In addition, the responsible physicians provide constructive oral feedback so that the students can successively improve their clinical-practical skills and use them confidently when they start their professional lives - because being a doctor also means mastering the craft.
Introduction Video for Students
Introduction Video for Teachers
- 1.1 - Bedside test before blood transfusions (27 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 1.2 - Collection of blood cultures (27 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 1.3 - Therapy prescription (26 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 1.4 - Put on sterile gloves (26 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 1.5 - Blood pressure measurement according to Korotkow (27 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 1.6 - Taking a vegetative anamnesis (27 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 1.7 - Venous blood sampling (28 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 1.8 - Insertion of venous indwelling cannulas (28 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 1.8.1 - Insertion of a transurethral urinary catheter (29 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
Clinic for General Paediatrics, Neonatology and Paediatric Cardiology
- 12.1 - Counselling of a parent, meningitis (29 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 12.2 - Examination (29 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 12.3 - Counselling for a parent, bronchial asthma (29 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 12.4 - Counselling of a parent, fever (29 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 12.5 - Naming the degree of mobility in a child with cerebral palsy (29 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 12.6 - Classification of manual skills in a child with cerebral palsy (29 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 12.7 - Clinical description of a patient with cerebral palsy (29 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
Clinic for General, Visceral and Paediatric Surgery
Clinic for General, Visceral and Paediatric Surgery / Clinic for Orthopaedics
Clinic for Anaesthesiology
- 24.1 - Arterial blood sampling for blood gas analysis (27 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 24.2 - Positioning the laryngeal mask (28 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 24.3 - Changing perfusor syringes (26 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 24.4 - Mask ventilation (28 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 24.5 - BLS - Basic Life Support / "lay resuscitation" (28 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
Clinic for Dermatology
- 4.1 - Lymph node palpation (27 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 4.2 - ABCDE rule and dermoscopy (assessment of melanocytic skin changes) (27 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 4.3 - Allergy testing / prick test (27 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 4.4 - Trial excision of the skin (29 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 4.5 - Dermatological anamnesis (27 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 4.6 - Describe skin findings (28 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
Clinic for Endocrinology and Diabetology
- 5.1 - Specific medical history: Diabetic neuropathy (28 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 5.2 - Practical neuropathy screening in diabetes (implementation and assessment of findings) (30 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 5.3 - Clarification of initial diagnosis of type 1 diabetes in adults (28 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 5.4 - Thyroid sonography: Volumetry (27 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
Clinic for Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Clinic for Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Infectiology
Clinic for Cardiology, Pneumology and Angiology
- 9.1 - 12-channel ECG lead (27 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 9.2 - Auscultation heart (28 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 9.3 - Physical examination of the lungs (28 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 9.4 - Ankle-arm index (28 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 9.5 - Angiological anamnesis and physical examination Examination (28 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 9.6 - Ratschow storage test (29 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
Clinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery
- 19.1 - Intraoral examination (27 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 19.2 - Diagnostics OPTG (orthopantomogram) / CT (head and neck) / DVT (dental olumen tomogram) (25 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 19.3 - Special anamnesis for tumour patients MKG (27 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 19.4 - Special anamnesis and examination of abscess patients (28 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 19.5 - Examination for suspected fractures (MKG) (28 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 19.6 - Dysgnathia for physicians (28 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 19.7 - General dentistry for physicians (29 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
Clinic for Nephrology
- 10.1 - Creatinine clearance in collected urine (27 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 10.2 - Urine diagnostics from spontaneous urine (28 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 10.3 - Medical history and examination of patients with oedema (29 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 10.4 - Interpretation of long-term blood pressure measurement (27 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
Clinic for Neurosurgery
- 11.1 - Diagnosis of suspected subarachnoid haemorrhage (awake patient) (27 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 11.2 - Testing speech vs. language disorders in adults (28 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 11.3 - Central vs. peripheral paresis using the example of ulnar nerve vs. C8 syndrome vs. central hand paresis (28 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 11.4 - Examination of a patient with impaired consciousness (27 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 11.5 - Elicitation of a reflex status (28 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 11.6 - Assessment of cone and cauda syndrome with mass prolapse (1 MB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
Clinic for Neurology
- 25.1 - Diabetic neuropathy (28 KB, pdf, 29.11.2021)
- 25.2 - Testing speech vs. language disorders in adults (29 KB, pdf, 29.11.2021)
- 25.3 - Central vs. peripheral paresis using the example of ulnar nerve vs. C8 syndrome vs. central hand paresis (30 KB, pdf, 29.11.2021)
- 25.4 - Examination of a patient with impaired consciousness (30 KB, pdf, 29.11.2021)
- 25.5 - Elicitation of a reflex status (30 KB, pdf, 29.11.2021)
- 25.6 - Cerebrospinal fluid puncture (30 KB, pdf, 29.11.2021)
- 25.7 - Examination of visual disturbances and pupil function at the bedside (30 KB, pdf, 29.11.2021)
- 25.8 - Facial nerve palsy - central versus peripheral (30 KB, pdf, 29.11.2021)
Clinic and Polyclinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
- 13.1 - Screening for risk aspects / suicidal tendencies (28 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 13.2 - Exploration of the symptoms of affective disorders (27 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 13.3 - Carrying out a memory test (29 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 13.4 - Addictive substance anamnesis (27 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 13.5 - Delirium screening and treatment (29 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)
- 13.6 - Exploration of perceptual and mental disorders (28 KB, pdf, 25.09.2020)