Whether you are planning to apply for our degree programme in medicine as a non-EU prospective student or searching for a short-term non-degree study abroad opportunity (such as Erasmus+ programme) at our faculty as a visiting student: Check out here for details!
Medical Studies International
Welcome to our international websites for medical studies!
Stepping out of one's comfort zone. Becoming familiar with a foreign culture. Broadening the professional and the personal horizon. There are many good reasons for studying abroad!
Irrespective whether you are a (prospective) student from abroad who is considering applying for our degree programme in medicine or one of our non-degree visiting student programmes or you are a medical student of HHU who is looking for a study abroad opportunity: We are here to guide you through the different application processes.
Christina Lange
International Affairs
+49 211 81-06410
Send Email
Building: 17.11
Floor/room: 00.13
Yiliqi Yiliqi
International Affairs
+49 211 81-06409
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Building: 17.11
Floor/room: 00.13