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Medical Competences 1+2

From the 3rd year onwards, a central training element of our curriculum comes increasingly to the fore: teaching on patients. In addition to the patient demonstration and the patient examination, practical teaching also consists of the innovative teaching and learning format Learning on Treatment Occasions. In both of the aforementioned formats, a certain number of patient admissions and presentations as well as mini-CEX must be completed independently and successfully. We refer to these achievements as Medical Competencies 1+2. They are linked to the "Block internship in internal medicine" and "Block internship in surgery". You can find details on this and the exact number of patient admissions and presentations and mini-CEX to be completed in the examination regulations. Ideally, as many of the treatment occasions listed in the Düsseldorf List of Treatment Occasions as possible should be taken into account so that you are as well prepared as possible for your future professional life. However, a treatment occasion can also be dealt with more than once, provided it involves different patients.

Information on viewing and uploading feedback forms

Due to the corona situation, we continue to keep public traffic in the Dean of Studies Office to a minimum in the interests of everyone. Therefore, students in the 10th semester have the opportunity to send us their documents for the certificates

  • Medical skills 1 (linked to the "Internal Medicine" certificate of achievement)
  • Medical skills 2 (linked to the "Emergency medicine" certificate)

digitally for inspection. Please only make use of this once all practical weeks have been completed, as only then can we check your documents for completeness. For some students, for example, the last practical week ends in SW 12, for others only in SW 16. Unfortunately, we have to delete documents submitted too early for storage reasons. Even if you are only able to upload your documents on the last day of lectures, we will view them in good time so that there is no delay in registering for the state examination.

Please read the following information carefully first:

  • Fill in the corresponding fields last name, first name, matriculation number, e-mail address and degree program.
  • Place as many sheets as possible of the same category (i.e. mini-CEX; patient photos and presentations) next to each other on the floor, take photos and upload the files using the respective upload field. You can upload both PDF files and JPG files. Unfortunately, for technical reasons, only one file can be uploaded per upload field.
  • For patient recordings and presentations, please only upload the feedback form on which your teacher has assessed your performance. The documentation forms are therefore not necessary here, i.e. you can save yourself this work.
  • If you have printed out the Mini-CEX feedback sheets double-sided, a photo showing the teacher's stamp and signature is sufficient.
  • The graded Mini-CEXs for the "Internal Medicine Block Practical" and "Surgery Block Practical" must be separated from the ungraded Mini-CEXs and uploaded in the corresponding upload field.
  • The maximum size of a file must not exceed 30 MB.

After uploading, you will receive an automatically generated confirmation e-mail. If there is a technical problem, please try again with a different browser (e.g. Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer). The staff of the study organization Q2 will review the forms promptly and provide you with feedback.

The graded Mini-CEX and for the certificates of achievement "Blockpraktikum Frauenheilkunde", "Blockpraktikum Kinderheilkunde" and "Medizin des Alterns und des alten Menschen" do not have to be photographed and uploaded because the respective subject (Women's Clinic, Pediatric Clinic, General Medicine) forwards your grade to the Student and Examination Administration.

For organizational reasons, the option to upload documents is only available to students in their 10th semester. Students who are in a lower semester will be given the opportunity to present/upload the documents in the following semesters. If necessary, you can look up the required number of mini-CEX as well as patient admissions and presentations in the examination regulations.