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You could already become familiar with the University Hospital Düsseldorf (UKD) and many of the doctors working there during the first five years of your studies. We would be pleased if you would also like to spend your clinical internship year or individual tertials here!

The clinical-practical training at the UKD is structured in a competence-oriented way. During your time on the wards and outpatient clinics of the various institutes and clinics, you will be prepared for the medical profession as future physicians under the guidance, supervision and responsibility of experienced future colleagues, and will be able to consolidate and deepen the skills, abilities and attitudes you have acquired so far during your studies.

With its high standard of patient care and modern diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, the UKD offers you the opportunity to gain insights into the maximum care of patients and also to learn about the diagnosis and therapy of rare diseases. The UKD stands for the unity of patient care, teaching and research. As a clinical internship year student, you can get to know this triad at first hand in your daily work.

The UKD offers you a varied and specialized range of courses in the (compulsory) tertials of surgery and internal medicine as well as in the elective subject.

The place booking takes place exclusively via the PJ-Portal.

Subject-specific application procedure for the following electives at the UKD:

  • General Medicine
  • Anesthesiology
  • Medical microbiology, virology and hospital hygiene
  • (clinical) pharmacology
  • Radiology
  • (clinical) forensic medicine


If you are interested in one of the above-mentioned elective subjects and apply for a place, please select the subject in parallel in the PJ portal for the corresponding tertial and apply for a hardship case there. If you are allocated a place by the institute or clinic on the basis of your application, your hardship application will be confirmed in the PJ portal by the staff from the study organization department (Q3/M3). You are then guaranteed a place in this elective in the corresponding tertial. The places in the (compulsory) subjects Surgery and Internal Medicine will be taken by you like all other students within the general online application procedure. If you do not receive a place in the subject-specific application and selection procedures, you will be informed of this by the subjects in good time so that you can look for alternatives for the elective subject before the start of the general online allocation procedure and select this in the further course of the allocation of places. Students in special circumstances who wish to take advantage of preferential allocation of places in the online allocation must also participate in the application and selection procedures of the following subjects in order to obtain a PJ place there.

Mandatory Subjects

The following specialties are involved in surgical training:

  •     General, Visceral and Pediatric Surgery.
  •     Vascular and endovascular surgery
  •     Cardiovascular surgery
  •     Trauma and hand surgery

The subject is taken via the CIY portal as part of the regular allocation of places.

Start at Tertial
Klinik für Allgemein-, Viszeral- und Kinderchirurgie
Building 12.41 / 12.42, Small lacture hall
Contact: Mr. Krebs
Time: 08:15

During the tertial in internal medicine, you can gain insight into the following specializations:

  •     Endocrinology and Diabetology
  •     Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Infectiology
  •     Hematology, oncology and clinical immunology
  •     Intensive care medicine
  •     Cardiology, Pneumology and Angiology
  •     Nephrology
  •     Rheumatology
  •     Special Endocrinology

The subject is taken via the CIY portal as part of the regular allocation of places.

Start at Tertial
Seminar room near the lecture halls,
Contact: Prof. Dr. M. Schott
Time: 08:30 Uhr


The institute for general medicine (ifam) regularly offers interested students events which inform about CIY elective subject. The dates will be released on the institute website and additionaly added to the CIY Portal Schedule. For participation in the information event a registration and filing a data form is required. Please turn to Ms. Kronenberg.

Since a suitable general medical practice accredited by ifam must be found for each student, we generally recommend that you contact the institute early.

After the application deadline, there is no possibility to get a place in the elective general medicine in the upcoming clinical internship year. The CIY portal does not offer any free places for this subject. 

Start at Tertial
Contact: Ms. Kronenberg
Tel. 81-17771

Students who wish to complete their elective at the Department of Anesthesiology apply directly there by e-mail with a short letter of motivation (max. 250 words) and a curriculum vitae. The documents should show the grades of the Abitur and the Medical Intermediate Examination (or the First Section of the Medical Examination), previous knowledge and experience in the subject of anesthesiology/intensive care/emergency medicine (evidenced e.g. by clinical traineeships or participation in emergency medical services), if applicable the topic and current status of a doctorate as well as the intended further training. Please inform the clinic in the application of your desired tertial as well as an alternative tertial for the elective subject. Please refer to the CIY portal schedule for application deadlines.

Students who did not participate in the application process or who did not receive a place via this process can select (possible) free remaining places within the general online booking.

Start at Tertial
Klinik für Anästhesiologie
Building 12.42, Conference Room
Contact: Prof. Dr. Lurati Buse
Time: 16:00 Uhr

The elective is taken via the clinical internship year CIY portal as part of the regular place allocation process.

Start at Tertial
Klinik für Augenheilkunde
Building 18.11 / 18.12
Contact: Secretary of the director
Time: 07:45

The elective is taken via the clinical internship year CIY portal as part of the regular place allocation process.

Start at Tertial
Klinik für Dermatologie
Building 11.80
Contact: Secretary of the director
Time: 08:00

The elective is taken via the clinical internship year CIY portal as part of the regular place allocation process.

Start at Tertial
Klinik für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe
Building 14.75, seminar room
Time: 08:00

The elective is taken via the clinical internship year CIY portal as part of the regular place allocation process.

Start at tertial
Klinik für Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde
Contact: Secretary of the director
Time: 08:00

The elective is taken via the CIY portal as part of the regular place allocation process.

Start at tertial
Klinik für Allgemeine Pädiatrie, Neonatologie und Kinderkardiologie
Ground floor, room KA 02
Contact:  OA Dr. Ghosh
Time: 09:00

Students interested in the elective Medical Microbiology, Virology and Infectious Disease Epidemiology apply for a clinical internship year directly by email. The application should consist of a short letter of motivation (preferably directly in the email) and an equally short CV. Please include your preferred tertial as well as an alternative tertial for the elective. The application deadline can be found in the schedule of the CIY portal.

The clinical internship years will be awarded exclusively through the application and selection process. The CIY portal does not offer any free places for this purpose.

Please contact in time before start of tertial
Contact: Prof. Dr. Mackenzie

The elective is taken via the CIY portal as part of the regular place allocation process.

Start at tertial
Klinik für Mund-, Kiefer- und Plastische Gesichtschirurgie
Contact: Secretary Prof. Dr. Kübler
Time : 07:30

The elective is taken via the CIY portal as part of the regular place allocation process.

Start at tertial
Klinik für Neurochirurgie
Contact: Secretary Prof. Dr. Hänggi
Time: 07:45

Please contact in time before start of tertial.
Contact: Secretary Prof. Dr. Seitz – Ms. Simonis

The elective is taken via the CIY portal as part of the regular place allocation process.

Start at tertial
Klinik für Nuklearmedizin
Building 13.51
Contact: Secretary Prof. Dr. Müller
Time: 08:00

The elective is taken via the CIY portal as part of the regular slot allocation process.

Start at tertial
Klinik für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie
Contact: Secretary PD Dr. Bittersohl
Time: 07:30

The elective is taken via the CIY portal as part of the regular slot allocation process.

Start at tertial
Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Palliativmedizin
MNR-Klinik, Building 13.52
Contact: Secretary Ms. Kowslowsky
Time: 08:00

The elective is taken via the CIY portal as part of the regular slot allocation process.

Start at tertial
Institut für Pathologie
Building 14.79, 2nd Floor, R. 318
Contact: Prof. Dr. Reinecke
Time: 16:00

If you would like to complete your elective tertial in (clinical) pharmacology, please apply directly to Prof. Dr. Holfeld from the Institute of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology by e-mail with a short letter of motivation and a curriculum vitae. Please inform the institute in your application about your preferred tertial as well as an alternative tertial for the elective subject. The application deadline can be found in the schedule of the CIY portal.

The PJ slots in the elective subject (clinical) pharmacology are exclusively allocated via the institute's own application and selection procedure. The CIY portal does not offer any free places for this subject.

Start at tertial
Institut für Pharmakologie und klinische Pharmakologie
Contact: Sekretariat
Time: 09:00

The elective is taken via the CIY portal as part of the regular slot allocation process.

Start at tertial
Klinik und Poliklinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
Bergische Landstr. 2
Contact: Secretary  Prof. Dr. Meisenzahl-Lechner
Time: 08:00

The elective is taken via the CIY portal as part of the regular slot allocation process.

Start at tertial
Klinisches Institut für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie
Bergische Landstr. 2 Haus 18
Contact: Secretary Prof. Dr. Friederich
Time: 08:00

Students who wish to complete their elective at the Institute of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology should apply directly there by e-mail with a short letter of motivation (max. 250 words) and a CV. The CV should also include the following information: Grades of medical examinations, previous experience in radiology if applicable, topic and current status of a doctorate if applicable. Please inform the Institute of your preferred tertial and an alternative tertial for the elective subject in your application. The application deadline can be found in the timetable on the PJ portal.

Start at tertial
Institut für Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie
MNR, Building 13.53
Contact: Sekretariat Prof. Dr. Antoch
Time: 08:15

Students who are interested in the elective subject (clinical) forensic medicine should apply for a clinical internship year directly by e-mail to Dr. Mahlke from the Institute of Forensic Medicine. The application should consist of a short letter of motivation (preferably directly in the e-mail) and an equally short CV. Please also inform the Institute of your preferred tertial as well as an alternative tertial for the elective subject. The application deadline can be found in the schedule of the CIY portal.

The PJ places in the elective subject (clinical) forensic medicine are exclusively allocated via the institute's own application and selection procedure. The CIY portal does not offer any free places for this subject.

Start at tertial
Institut für Rechtsmedizin
Building 14.84
Contact: Secretary Frau Prof. Dr. Ritz-Timme
Time: 08:15

The elective is taken via the CIY portal as part of the regular slot allocation process.

Start at tertial
Klinik für Urologie
Building 13.72, Room U II
Contact: Secretary Prof. Dr. Albers
Time: 08:00

The elective subject is booked via the PJ portal as part of the regular allocation of places.

Please register by e-mail in good time before the start of the tertial.
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Edwin Bölke (Boelke(at)med.uni-duesseldorf.de)

The faculty is constantly working to develop, improve and optimize teaching in the clinical internship year for you. One example of this is the pilot project "Entrustable Professional Activities", which uses observable performance levels to decide which activities can be entrusted to:the clinical internship year student under which conditions. You can also participate directly in teaching and, for example, act as a tutor:in for 3rd year students. In this way, you not only train and expand your teaching skills, but also support fellow students in their training.

A special feature of the clinical internship year at the UKD are also the ethics seminars, which the Catholic university community and the Catholic hospital chaplaincy regularly offer in cooperation with the Dean of Studies.