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Kit issue and key card

Please pick up a fresh gown from one of the gown distribution points each day for classes in the practical blocks and put it in the dirty laundry in the evening! Please also wear your name tag on your gown at all times. You can obtain the name tag from the Medical Student Council.

You will find the coat issue points in the MNR Clinic (Central Locker Room, Building 13.51, E. U1, R. 69) and in ZOM I (Building 12.41, E. 00, R. 206.03). Gowns can also be returned there or at any other return point on the UKD premises.

Key card

You will need a key card in order to gain access to the cot issue points (and at the same time to all toilets on the UKD site). You can obtain this from Monday to Friday from 7.00-9.00 a.m. and 11.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. (or on the first 2 days of the month from 7.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m.) via the access management in building 17.18 (E. U1, R. 25). Please bring your student ID and a photo ID with you. If you already have a UKD personnel number/SAP number (e.g. because you are employed as a student or research assistant or in the nursing area at the hospital), please inform the staff in the access management.

You can have the key card issued to you from the 4th semester onwards. Please take care of it in time before the 3rd semester, so that you can get to the gowns without problems from the first day in the practice block!

In order to avoid long waiting times in the access management and to enable the staff there to cope with the workload, you should not appear there in large groups, spread yourself out over the semester and do not apply for your key card at the last moment. In addition, we ask that you do not have your key card issued at the beginning of the month, as these days are regularly busier due to new employees.