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Examination dates

Examination dates are published as soon as they have been decided by the relevant teaching committee. The corresponding fields usually remain empty until then or indicate the last examination date.

  • Update rule: indicates the week in which an examination usually takes place. Please note: if the reference point shifts (see under "Semester week"), the examination weeks will also shift!
  • Semester week (SW): indicates a week in relation to the lecture period of the respective semester. Counting begins with the first official lecture week (= SW 1). Numbers preceded by a plus sign refer to the weeks after the examination week following a lecture period (usually in SW 16 = SW +0), those preceded by a minus sign refer to the weeks before the start of a lecture period (SW -1 is the first week before the start of a lecture period). Please note: if the start of the lecture period is postponed by a new decision of the Rectorate, the semester weeks are shifted in relation to the calendar weeks!
  • The rules for registering for and deregistering from examinations, including the applicable deadlines, can be found in Section 28 of the Study and Examination Regulations (StPO) for the Medicine degree program (to which the Study Regulations for the Dentistry degree program refer). Regular participants of a block are automatically registered for the corresponding block final examination after regular participation (§ 32 StPO) (§ 28 para. 1 StPO). For all others, registration in the manner specified below is required (§ 28 para. 2 StPO). The instructions under "Downloads" explain how to technically implement such a registration. To register for an examination for which registration by e-mail is indicated in the overview below, please use the e-mail address on the right.
  • Please refer to the study and examination regulations for the Medicine degree program and the examination regulations for your study section for the rules on passing and retaking the performance records according to ÄApprO or ZApprO and the block final examinations as well as the composition of these.

In cases of doubt and if you have any queries, please contact the examination coordinator at the e-mail address opposite.

To obtain access to examinations in the first and second year of study, please apply to the examinations coordinator via your university e-mail address at the e-mail address opposite. Please state your matriculation number, your degree program and the exam in question (name and date).

To inspect the exam in the third to fifth year of study, you can come to (Examination Coordination) on one of the dates listed below; the documents (MC/MS part only) will then be printed out for you on site and handed out to you. If you notify us of your request in advance by e-mail, we will do our best to prepare the documents for you to collect. Please bring the completed "Copyright declaration" form, which you can download from this page, with you to the appointment. You can also use this form as a power of attorney if another person is to collect your documents.

  • Tuesday, 06.02.2024, 10:00-10:30 a.m.
  • Thursday, 08.02.2024, 13:00-13:30
  • Friday, 09.02.2024, 10:30-11:00 a.m.
  • Tuesday, 13.02.2024, 12:00-13:00

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Qualification phase 1

Block final examinations

Proof of performance

Qualification phase 2

Block final examinations

Proof of performance

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