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Studying Medicine in Düsseldorf

Changing demands, expectations and structures in our society, as well as developments within the healthcare system, are constantly placing new demands on future physicians. The influence of digitalization, the immense increase in knowledge in medicine and options that change almost daily as a result also influence expectations of the medical profession. We are convinced that these challenges must already be taken into account and specifically addressed in medical training. The Düsseldorf Curriculum of Medicine combines proven and new concepts with the aim of optimally preparing students for the medical profession of tomorrow.



Research: DICE members regularly publish their research in international academic journals. An overview about forthcoming and published articles (since 2010) is available undefinedhere.

The undefinedDICE Discussion Paper Series publishes latest research results of DICE team members and contributes to academic and political discussions about recent issues in competition economics. The DICE research papers are primarily focused on theoretical, empirical and experimental projects in industrial economics. Markets of major interest include the energy-, telecommunication-, and health sector. However, DICE members also publish research on automobile markets, gender topics and media markets. Further information are presented undefinedhere.

Contributions to political discussions on current regulatory topics are published in the seriesundefined DICE Ordnungspolitische Perspektiven and include topics of competition economics and law. The DICE Ordnungspolitische Perspektiven addresses areas such as market power in the retail sector, power generating markets, taxation, regulation on pharmacies, network neutrality und the sovereign debt crisis in Europe. All publications are listed undefinedhere.

Kategorie/n: DICE-Meldung, RStartseite
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