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Personalizing the PJ

Basically, you have three models to choose from, according to which you can put together the prescribed tertials in surgery, internal medicine and an elective to suit your needs:

We would be pleased if you remain loyal to HHU during the clinical internship year and spend all three tertials at the UKD or one of the academic teaching hospitals of HHU. You can decide whether you want to complete all tertials at one hospital or whether you want to switch between the UKD and the academic teaching hospitals of the HHU or between them. You do not have to decide on a location.

Many students find it appealing to spend one or two tertials of the clinical internship year at another university hospital or another academic teaching hospital in Germany or abroad. It is up to you which subject(s) and which of the tertials you wish to complete outside of HHU. Such a choice does not limit your options for taking the remaining tertial(s) at HHU.

The LPA recommends that you complete at least the last tertial in the area of your home university. We do not restrict you in this and leave it up to you to decide which tertial or tertials you spend externally.

Alternatively, or in addition, it is possible to split one, two or all three tertials into two halves of eight weeks each and to complete one part abroad and the other in Germany. This option also does not limit the options at HHU. From our side, it is also possible to spend the split half of the tertial, which must be completed in Germany, outside of HHU. However, the combination of Germany and abroad must be adhered to in accordance with the requirements of the LPA.

If you decide to split one or more of your tertials, you will need the declaration of inclusion A, which can be requested from Mrs Wissenbach, stating the splitting period, country, name of the hospital and the subject to be split. This is then submitted to the LPA together with the tertial certificates.  Information on this can also be found on the LPA website in the document ‘Information sheet on practical training’

In addition to the models outlined above, you are additionally free to spend all three tertials outside HHU. It does not matter whether you choose to work entirely at university hospitals or academic teaching hospitals of other domestic universities, at institutions abroad, or a combination of both. Although the LPA recommends that you spend at least the last tertial in the area of your home university, we leave it up to your discretion whether you want to take this recommendation into account or not.

Important Notes

  • The clinical internship year is in your hands and must be planned and organized by you! This is especially true for tertials that are completed outside of HHU. The staff from the area of study organization (Q3 / M3) in the Dean of Studies can support you with questions or problems.
  • The actual design of your clinical internship year depends on the available places at the respective institutions.
  • If you plan to complete the elective at a university hospital or an academic teaching hospital in Germany or abroad, but take the Third Section of the Medical Examination (M3) at HHU, you can only take an elective that is also offered at UKD. Otherwise, you cannot be examined and must repeat the tertial (in another elective).
  • You must continue to be enrolled as a student in the state examination program in human medicine without any gaps until the end of your internship year, including the third section of the medical examination. As a rule, HHU remains your home university - regardless of how much time of the PJ you spent at external institutions in Germany or abroad.
  • Each university has the right to organize the clinical internship year in its own way within the framework of the legal requirements. You should therefore find out at an early stage from the university at which you intend to spend tertial periods what the regulations there are and in what way it is possible for you to apply as an external student.
  • The Third Section of the Medical Examination (M3) usually takes place at the hospital where you complete the elective. If the elective is completed outside HHU, it will take place at the UKD. The same applies if you have spent all three tertials at institutions in Germany or abroad, but are still enrolled at HHU.

Cohorts and Tertials

The clinical internship year begins in mid-May (spring cohort) and mid-November (fall cohort). The exact start times are jointly determined by the dean's offices of the medical schools. Therefore, tertials cannot be started earlier or later. Currently, the following dates and tertial times have been decided:

1. Tertial:            20.11.2023 – 10.03.2024
2. Tertial:            11.03.2024 – 30.06.2024
3. Tertial:            01.07.2024 – 20.10.2024
1. Tertial:            20.05.2024 – 08.09.2024
2. Tertial:            09.09.2024 – 29.12.2024
3. Tertial:            30.12.2024 – 20.04.2025
1. Tertial:            18.11.2024 – 09.03.2025
2. Tertial:            10.03.2025 – 29.06.2025
3. Tertial:            30.06.2025 – 19.10.2025
1. Tertial:            19.05.2025 – 07.09.2025
2. Tertial:            08.09.2025 – 28.12.2025
3. Tertial:            29.12.2025 – 19.04.2026
1. Tertial:            17.11.2025 – 08.03.2026
2. Tertial:            09.03.2026 – 28.06.2026
3. Tertial:            29.06.2026 – 18.10.2026
1. Tertial:            18.05.2026 - 06.09.2026
2. Tertial:            07.09.2026 - 27.12.2026
3. Tertial:            28.12.2026 - 18.04.2027
1. Tertial:            16.11.2026 - 07.03.2027
2. Tertial:            08.03.2027 - 27.06.2027
3. Tertial:            28.06.2027 - 17.10.2027