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Start of studies

Welcome to the Faculty of Medicine!

Here you will find all the information you need for a successful start to your studies.

First semester welcome 2024

First semester welcome of the Faculty of Medicine

We cordially invite you to the first semester welcome of the Faculty of Medicine on Monday, October 7, 2024, at 4:30 pm in lecture hall 3A! We look forward to welcoming you to the faculty in person!

Status: 13.08.2024, 10:00 h

Information on starting your studies

To enrol at HHU, please contact the Student and Examination Administration Office. Enrolment takes place online via the enrolment portal: https://digstu.hhu.de/. Shortly afterwards you will receive your HHU Card, which serves as your student ID, Mensa Card, library card and NRW Ticket.

Important: Please make sure that your personal details correspond to those on your identity card / birth certificate (especially second names, name additions etc.).

To be able to use digital services such as W-LAN, portals (HIS-LSF, ILIAS, student portal etc.) and the university e-mail account, you must activate your university ID as soon as possible after enrolment (you will receive the ID by post after your enrolment): http://www.zim.hhu.de/servicekatalog/accounts-und-hilfe/uni-kennung-und-idm. It is very important that you activate your university ID as soon as possible so that you can benefit from digital courses as quickly as possible!

Please note that all study-related e-mail correspondence will be sent exclusively via your HHU e-mail account! To ensure that you can access your mailbox regularly and from any location throughout your studies, the university offers various options for integrating your mailbox into an e-mail program. Corresponding instructions can be found in the HHU Wiki: https://wiki.hhu.de/display/HHU/Anleitungen+to+set+up+the+Uni-Mail+in+various+e-mail+programs.

The online registration, i.e. the registration for the courses of the 1st semester Medicine/Dentistry, which you carry out independently, takes place via HIS-LSF, the electronic course directory of the HHU:

https://lsf.hhu.de ("HIS-LSF Homepage")

The registration for the 1st semester of Medicine/Dentistry is activated from 01.09.2024.

In the first semester study group (ESAG) organised by the medical/dental student council, which lasts several days, you will be welcomed by medical students from higher semesters and introduced to studying and campus life in small groups. This allows you to get a taste of campus life and get to know your fellow students before you start your studies.

The ESAG is expected to take place all day on 01.10., 02.10. and 04.10.2024. The starting time is on 1 October at 8 a.m. sharp at the university (exact meeting point to follow). On 2 October, we will meet at 10 am at the OASE and on 4 October at 12 noon. An evening programme with an open end is planned on all days.

Further information can be found on the AStA website or the Instagram channel of the medical student council (@fsmed_dus). There, the student council shares useful information about barbecues and events related to the degree programme.

Students of the medical student council are also recommended to join the following WhatsApp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/IORMlb2ErEjE0pHISYiHMb

The Dental Student Council also organises a WhatsApp group in which news is exchanged and questions are answered. If you would like to become a member, please send an email to fszm(at)hhu.de.

Here you also have the opportunity to exchange ideas with other first-semester students.

If you have any questions about ESAG, you can email esag(at)fsmed.de.

A special introductory event for you as future dental students will take place before the ESAG. We cordially invite you to this on 30 September 2024 at 09:00 in the preclinical dentistry rooms (building 17.11 level 0 seminar room K).

This winter semester, we would also like to welcome you as our new students in the lecture theatre together with the students of human medicine. We will welcome you as new students to our faculty at the Faculty of Medicine's ceremonial first semester welcome on Monday, 7 October 2024 from 16:30 in lecture hall 3A (Building 23.01).

We would like to offer you the opportunity to get to know the Faculty of Medicine and its numerous departments better and to get in touch with the relevant contact persons and your fellow students.

Regular classes begin for you on Tuesday, 8 October 2024.

The timetable will be published on our website before the start of the semester at the end of September, and you can also find further important information on the organisation of the first year of study here: www.medizinstudium.hhu.de/studienorganisation/studienjahre/1-studienjahr or here: https://www.zahnmedizinstudium.hhu.de/das-zahnmedizinstudium/studienaufbau/vorklinische-medizin/zahnmedizin-z1

The orientation tutorials provide you with the most important information about starting your studies, prepare you for the organisational side of your studies and offer you the opportunity to get to know your fellow students better. They are integrated into the first two subject blocks.

You will come into contact with patients at an early stage. Because both your protection against infection and the safety of patients are our top priority, an appointment is scheduled in your timetable for an examination by the company medical service right at the start of your studies. Before this appointment, please check your immunisation status together with your family doctor and have any missing vaccinations carried out. You can find further information, including information on required immunisations, here.

Successful learning - guided learning. Visit the specialised tutorials for international students (Meditorium) in the first three years of study.

We cordially invite all international students who are interested in the Meditorium programme to an introduction and familiarisation evening which will take place on October 17, 2024 at 6:30 pm. The date and further information on the event will soon be available at www.medizin.hhu.de/studienstart and in the timetable.

You can register for the Meditorium either directly on site or by e-mail: meditorium(at)hhu.de. You can find further information at: www.medizin.hhu.de/meditorium

Information on German courses can be found on the website of the HHU Student Academy: www.studierendenakademie.hhu.de/

As a parent, would you like to be placed in a group with more family-friendly course times? Or would you like to be placed in such a group because you are in another special life situation, for example you are caring for relatives, are seriously/chronically ill or have a disability? If possible, please contact the online booking system by the end of the first booking phase (08.10.2024): belegung-medizin-q1(at)hhu.de

If you have any questions regarding the compatibility of work/study and family, please contact the Faculty's Equal Opportunities Officer: gsb.med(at)med.uni-duesseldorf.de

Further information on this topic can be found here.

For medical students who are not yet of legal age, some special conditions apply. Therefore, please contact Alice Giebner at the Dean of Studies for Medicine as soon as possible (belegung-​medizin-q1(at)hhu.de or belegung-​zahnmedizin(at)hhu.de).

With the O.A.S.E., we have set up a modern learning and communication centre for students. The O.A.S.E. (place of exchange, study and development) not only creates space for concentrated learning in an attractive environment, but is also a good place to get to know other medical students. The medical library on the upper floors offers plenty of specialised literature. The Röstmeister café on the ground floor provides a little energy boost in between: www.medizin.hhu.de/oase.

Please check back regularly for news and all important dates for the start of the programme at

Information about studying medicine in Düsseldorf (programme, timetables, examination dates, ...) can be found on our websites: www.medizinstudium.hhu.de or www.zahnmedizinstudium.hhu.de

If you have any specific questions, you are welcome to contact the staff at the Dean of Studies for Medicine: www.medizin.hhu.de/studiendekanat

When is the next deadline for online enrolment? What have medical students who have spent a semester abroad experienced? And what study-related programmes for personal and professional development are available at the Faculty of Medicine?

On the @studium_med_hhu profile on Instagram, the team from the Dean of Studies' Office offers you answers to these questions as well as up-to-date information and insights. Follow us and don't miss any news! We look forward to exchanging ideas with you.