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FAQ about the practical year

You submit your tertial certificates to the State Examination Office when you register for the M3.

The PJ places are allocated via the nationwide PJ portal. To take part in the allocation process, you must register at www.pj-portal.de approx. 6 months before the start of the practical year.

The MFT determines the PJ times nationwide. Here you will find an overview of the current and future PJ times

You can withdraw your PJ in the PJ portal under "My PJ" up to 5 weeks before the start of the 1st tertial. You can then re-register for the next possible cohort under "My PJ" without having to re-register.

No. You must withdraw from the PJ in the PJ portal under "My PJ" at least 5 weeks before the start of the practical year.

The logbook of the home university must be used for training in the PJ. There is a separate logbook for each subject, which can be downloaded from the homepage of the Dean of Studies.

If you are to complete the PJ externally (at another university), you will be trained according to the logbook of the respective university. However, you should use the logbook of your home university as a training plan, as the skills and abilities required in this logbook are expected of you in the M3 examination.

You do not have to submit the logbook to the Dean of Studies at HHU or the LPA Düsseldorf. Please enquire directly at the clinic or institute whether the logbook must be completed and submitted there.

As a rule, you do not need confirmation, as you are relatively free to organise your practical year as you wish due to the PJ mobility. If some universities request a written confirmation, please send an email to medizin-q3(at)hhu.de stating your matriculation number, the period of your PJ start and the tertials for which you require a letter of confirmation.

If you are completing your PJ at the UKD or the LVR Klinikum, please submit all documents to the UKD Human Resources Department. If you are completing your PJ at an academic teaching hospital of the HHU Düsseldorf, please contact the relevant HR department or enquire with the PJ coordinators at the hospital. You can find the contact details in the PJ portal under the symbol (i) for the respective hospital.

Up to €373 expense allowance and €200 meal allowance. €573 will be transferred per month.

You must apply for an equivalence procedure in advance by submitting a certificate of equivalence to the LPA

This is necessary if the equivalence of the training has not yet been confirmed and the house has not been noted on the PJ foreign list.

ATTENTION: As a rule, recognition only applies to the compulsory subjects of internal medicine and surgery. Electives, if recognised, are listed separately in the list. If you cannot find the elective subject for the house, you must apply for an equivalence procedure.

If you wish to complete a tertial or half of a tertial abroad, the equivalence of the training must be recognised by the LPA. This is the case if the hospital is on the PJ abroad list. ATTENTION: As a rule, recognition only applies to internal medicine and surgery. Electives, if recognised, are listed separately.

You can download the form from the LPA homepage. Fill it out with your personal details and the details of the foreign hospital. Then send it to the subject representative (clinic management of the relevant subject at the UKD). Then forward the document to the Office of the Dean of Studies (Study Organisation Q3).

All days on which you do not actually take part in the PJ (e.g. holidays, sick days and quarantine/isolation days) are counted as days absent. Weekends and public holidays do not count as days absent. Please note that 24 December and 31 December are not public holidays.

You can use 30 days of absence during the entire practical year. For a tertial, you may have a maximum of 20 days of absence. In the case of a split tertial, you may use a maximum of 10 days of absence per split half.

If you are doing your final year abroad, training often starts on the first Monday of the month. In this case, it is permitted to deviate from the specified PJ times and start the PJ earlier.

In addition to the tertial certificates, you will need the Declaration of Inclusion A. You can obtain this from the study organisation Q3 on request.

If you have received a declaration of inclusion for the planned splitting, the status certificate can be waived.

You can make changes to bookings/rotation requests/free text fields up to 5 weeks before the start of the respective tertial. The respective date is indicated in the PJ portal under "Home".

In principle, no changes are possible after the deadline. In justified exceptional cases, we will endeavour to accommodate you and find a solution.

Entries are only made after completion of the practical year.

Please inform the study organisation Q3. We will then try to find a suitable solution for you at short notice and usually offer you a place at the UKD or one of our academic teaching hospitals.

If splitting is not feasible, you would complete the entire tertial at a hospital in Germany after consultation.

You can interrupt the PJ if there is an important reason (pregnancy or longer period of illness). Please inform the study organisation Q3, as an application to interrupt the PJ must be sent to the LPA by your home university.

Only fully completed tertials are recognised if the interruption does not exceed two years. Otherwise, a repetition of tertials already completed is required.

The State Examination Office permits part-time completion of the PJ. Only two forms are permitted: 75% and 50%. The PJ is extended according to the chosen part-time form. You must clarify in advance with the clinic and the study organisation Q3 whether you can complete the PJ part-time at your preferred hospital.

Yes, you must adhere to the deadlines set by the State Examination Office (LPA), otherwise you will not be admitted to the third section of the medical examination (M3) and your study time may be delayed.

If you want to take the exam in May/June, you must have registered and submitted the necessary documents by 10 January. If you are planning to take the M3 in November/December, you must have registered with the LPA by 10 June.

An e-mail with your Medico system ID will be sent to your UKD e-mail account. This is usually created and sent shortly before the start of the tertial at the UKD.

Each PJ student receives system authorisations that are tailored to the corresponding tertial. This is created manually by UKD IT staff. The rotation assignments in internal medicine and surgery at the UKD are usually not finalised until the first day of the tertial, so it may take up to a week before you can access your ward via Medico.

Please contact the IT department hotline (hotline.IKT(at)med.uni-duesseldorf.de)

or by telephone from the UKD network: 04000

Access Management (formerly Key Management) asks that all enquiries and requests regarding cards, authorisations and keys be sent by email only. (zutrittsmanagement(at)med.uni-duesseldorf.de).

Monday to Friday from 07:00 to 13:00.

The personnel number is required when the cards are issued.